Customer Testimonials

January 28, 2021

"Very professional and compassionate. Greg and Amanda were so very helpful with all the arrangements and with getting my husband back home to me. Such wonderful people."
January 28, 2021

Thank you I.C.S.

"My mother passed away and ICS helped me through the process of saying goodbye to her. The staff was friendly and considerate to what we wanted for our mom. I will truly be grateful for all of their help through this difficult time in our lives. "
July 28, 2020

"They were wonderful and made our last time together so special and his passing so peaceful. Very special people"
March 11, 2020

"Best thing we did was preplan. Made the loss of a love one more bearable. Everyone at ICS was caring, and did all they could for my family."
March 10, 2020

"I cannot find words that could fully convey my gratitude to the staff of ICS. When my brother passed away February 8, 2020, Amanda Weeks was so helpful in walking me through some of the things that I needed to take care of. The level of professionalism, coupled with such sincere compassion was immeasurable. Just 16 days later, my brother's wife joined my brother for eternity. Amanda was so supportive as I navigated through the grieving process of losing both family members so close together. I highly recommend ICS to anyone who may need their services. The entire staff is wonderful, treating you and your loved ones with dignity and compassion. I am so thankful for ICS."