Customer Testimonials

August 17, 2014

A small business with an honest affordable reputation

"The Staff at ICS are compassionate, caring people who will go out of their way to ease the difficult decisions that have to be made. They are God-fearing christians who strive to be a small business with an honest affordable reputation."
August 16, 2014

They are genuinely caring

"Could not ask for better people to take care of your needs in a time of grief. They are genuinely caring and treat you like your loved one is their number one priority. Would recommend them highly to anyone. Love you guys!!"
August 16, 2014

Friendly, professional, punctual, efficient and reasonable!

"Of those in Lake City that I called and met with there is no doubt in my mind that ICS is the most genuinely friendly professional, punctual, efficient and reasonable ! I called and Mr Jamie Tasker came and met with me on a Sunday afternoon (I was leaving the next day). He took the time to answer all my questions and do all the paper work and notifications for when the time came. I was seeking peace of mind and I obtained it. Its now been 3 years and the family member has passed away recently.... I made the right choice in contracting my loved one in the care of ICS. They have helped me in my time of need. - Mike B."