Customer Testimonials

November 12, 2018


"Shirley was so sweet and helpful. Always replied to all my questions and concerns. In a time of grief good to know someone is there to help you through it."
September 24, 2018

"When my husband passed ICS was there for me. Everyone I dealt with were very comforting and guided me through a most difficult time. I will refer them to everyone. April 2018"
February 25, 2017

"So happy the way we were treated, like family. My husband and I had discussed many times what we wanted and Richard is a stand up gentleman. We could we have been so relieved how everything went. I don't quite know what I'll do without my loving husband, but Richard helped us so much during this horrible experience and you can just teii how sincere and caring he was. Thanks from the bottom of my heart�. The Queen family"
July 23, 2016

August 31, 2015
