Customer Testimonials

May 11, 2021

"Thank you Amanda and Sherri for your fantastic service. Your professionalism and prompt receptiveness to our needs made the arranging for our family members cremation and distribution of ashes a very smooth process."
April 13, 2021

"My experience with ICS Cremation , specifically with Amanda Weeks, was extremely positive. She made sure I understood the entire process and put me at ease immediately. Under the circumstances, a very pleasant experience."
March 9, 2021

"Being in another state makes arrangements a challenge I sure got lucky! Amanda sure knew what to do and so appreciate your efforts. Definitely recommend their services and prices."
March 4, 2021

"Amanda Weeks, I thank you so much for your empathy and your excellent service. You made it so easy for me to go through a difficult situation. From our very first conversation to the very end of the process you were there for me and my family helping with the process. Blessing and thanks on behalf of the Julio E Sanchez family."
February 12, 2021

"During our time of an unexpected loss of my spouse and father and grandfather and best friend to many ICS services were so compassionate and caring and went above and beyond what I would have expected. Thank you from the Hale family"