Wesley "Jack" Wheeler Barker 01/29/1933 - 02/22/2024 Text: Obituary & Services Photos & Video Condolences Send Flowers Plant Trees Share Share A Memory Send Flowers Plant Trees Subscribe Obituary For Wesley "Jack" Wheeler Barker Rest Wesley, aka "Jack", until you hear at dawn, the low, clear reveille of God. Thank you for your service to this nation. U.S. Army. Photos & Video Add New Photos & Video Upload Photos and Videos Condolences Offer words of sympathy and comfort, share a memory or light a candle. Add a Candle Click a candle below to add a candle to your message. Submit Flower Menu Plant Trees Table ArrangementsBasketsSpraysPlantsInside CasketWreathsHeartsCrossesCasket SpraysUrn Arrangements Customer Service 0Items in Cart My Cart Loading... Modal title Modal body text goes here. Name and Email Address To leave a condolence message, add photos, or add videos, please provide your name and email address Name Email We respect your privacy and will not share your email address.